Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Staying Creative

Staying creative is hard. I have to be honest, I have struggled with this blog from time to time to keep the creative juices flowing. To keep bringing you original posts and unique perspectives. It is hard and I desperately want to be crafty and creative but the 'busyness' of life is constantly keeping me preoccupied. I know though, this blog and being creative is something worth fighting for. Ever since starting this blog, I have realized that everything big or small can be inspiration. I notice myself going throughout my day thinking "Oh, that would be a great blog post..."
These are the day-to-day inspirations that I truly believe have allowed me to get in the creative mindset and I want to share them with you!

1. Unplug. Every single day and not just for the Fall Challenge.

In the busyness of life, its easy to feel guilty for turning off your cell phone. "What if someone needs me?" I've found out though, that when I stay constantly connected to my electronics, I can't be creative. I go into veg-mode and it becomes nearly impossible to get out of it! Let's be honest, Pinterest is fun and can be a great means of inspiration but it can be also very addictive. You click on the red "P" and then next thing you know 2 hours have passed just like that! Now, I think everybody deserves some down time where you can just forget about everything but it does come at a price and that cost is the chance for creativity. We have 'no tv' nights where we just listen to the radio and sit out on our patio and talk and I feel like it always gives me inspiration for my next blog post.

2. Walk it out

Besides the fresh air and sunshine being good for you, notice what you are drawn to and document it. If you enjoy photography share it! Share your point of view more often! We need to just get out more and enjoy our surroundings! Heck, try the new bar down the street, walk to the nearest park, just get out and enjoy nature. On our evening walks, I constantly find myself staring at the trees, houses and landscaping which triggers my creative nature and make me want to share what I have seen. What I'm drawn to shows me what I'm craving more of.

3. Bed Time

Some of my best ideas and projects have come to me when I get in bed before I'm tired. Just let your mind race and see where it leads you. See what projects pop into your mind! I love free-hand drawing and have really not been able to devote much time to it lately but I remember being a kid and laying in bed and realizing the best way to draw some detail that I had been having trouble with. I would literally have to get up and try it before I could lay back down in bed.

4. Work with your Hands

This was huge for me when I was not working as I was able to constantly develop different decorating designs and ideas around the house. I had all of the time in the world to just sit and stare at my surroundings. It would spark a sense of urgency to create a vision that had popped up in my head! Poor Robby was worked to the bone in that time as I would be ready and crazed when he got home after work with different projects! Now of course, some days I would have NO inspiration and no idea what I wanted to do so I would sit down and just start going through some of my favorite magazines until something caught my eye.  Bottom line is, we need to get back to working with our hands. Start, even if you have no idea what you are doing. You'll be surprised how much you can create without trying to.

5. Something New

I always find something new, no matter how little! I don't know about you but just going shopping refreshes my creativity and puts me in a better mood. Now, I am not saying that you have to go out and spend a fortune to be creative! Sometimes something as simple as a new notebook or pen, fresh flowers or a gold paperweight on my desk sparks my interest.

6. Wine.

enough said.

7. Friends

This blogging world is pretty special and I'm constantly inspired by the creativity of my blogging friends as well as my close friends. Whenever I'm stuck in a rut, I stalk my favorite designer or blogger, look through pinterest or call up a buddy to see what they are up to. Don't let it overwhelm you, get excited for those who just went for it and get inspired.

I would love to hear your tips on what keeps you inspired. Have a great Tuesday my lovelies!

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