Wednesday, October 31, 2012

HAPPY HALLOWEEN from the Nash's

Happy Halloween everyone from the Nash's! Is everyone gearing up for the festivities tonight? It’s going to be pretty low key around here. I’m thinking a bit of baking, lots of flickering candles, and scary movies while the trick or treaters make their rounds. If you’re marking the occasion at home, too, why not whip up something fun and celebrate in style? (Even if that style involves your pajamas, because it just may for me!) For more great Halloween movie night ideas, pop over to Sugar & Charm and check out Eden’s fun Halloween video!
I also just wanted to remind everyone to keep their pets inside, especially any black or white cats! We have a beautiful black cat named Shelby and would die if anything happened to her which is why we always keep our animals inside.

Happy Halloween Everyone!

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Dressing up in costumes is fun and all, but let's be real here! Halloween is all about the candy! Now, while chowing down on a meal composed entirely of Snickers and Twix is a once-a-year ritual :::wink wink::: hehe, we propose that you do it a little differently this time around. We're giving you a D.I.Y. challenge to make all of your candy yourself. (OK, maybe make some of it yourself.) Here are homemade versions of eight of my all-time favorite store-bought candies. Enjoy!














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Monday, October 29, 2012

It's Autumn at Our House

I told you all in an earlier post that I was going to share some pictures with you guys of my front entry way So after further adieu here they are!

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Pumpkin Carving Party!

Fall has arrived and with it, the pumpkin season. We had so much fun hosting our very first Pumpkin Carving Party with our besties, Pat and Brooke! We did have an issue though.... And one I never saw coming! Trying to find a place that still had pumpkins was much harder than expected! Can you believe it!?! I know! I was shocked! Nobody had pumpkins the weekend before Halloween.... Absurd!
It's what I get though for procrastinating, I know... I know! We literally had to drive all around town looking for them! With no luck and just as total depression and the horrible thought of having to call off the Pumpkin Carving Party started to set in we decided to try the local grocery store. Probably should have been the first place we looked at but I really wanted the pumpkin patch experience... Not this year :/ But thank the good Lord though, H.E.B. aka "Pumpkin Carving Party Saver" had some and surprisingly quite a good selection! We got some good ones and got to have fun picking which ones "spoke to us"!

My pumpkins! Bedazzled.... of course!

 He was serious about his pumpkin carving!
Robby is doing his for his work's pumpkin carving contest! Fingers crossed he wins this year! Eeeek! So exciting!!!!
 Brooke and Pat's purrrfect pumpkin! Love!

Robby's pumpkin, quite brutal!

Once we were done with the carving, we decided to do a family tradition of mine! We decided to toast the pumpkin seeds! Our preference is with the shells on - if they are toasted properly they are wonderfully crunchy and easy to eat. The trick??? The truth is, there is no trick just a good healthy treat! Season with a pinch of garlic salt and then toast them in the oven. Yum! But if you want to get fancy, here is a recipe with a little extra spice!

The perfect end to our Pumpkin Carving Party! Sitting around our fire pit enjoying the weather and having some good conversations!

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Weekend

Happy Weekend Everybody!

I plan on spending my weekend enjoying everything about this gorgeous weather we are having and I hope you all do too! Have a great weekend and I will  talk with you again on Monday! Adios!

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fabulously Fall

Can anyone guess what is my favorite "decoration" in this photo????? It is just puuuurrrrr-fect!

The temperature may not be reflecting the season just yet but that has not deterred people from decorating for it! I have been noticing more and more fall decor around my neighborhood, which I absolutely love (I could live without the headstones and skeletons..). So far, I've put out some mums in my front window box with some fake fall leaves, straw, sticks and mini pumpkins! One thing I am very happy about is the fact that I was able to use the welcome post I made! Here is a picture of it without the fall decor:

I will take a picture of it tonight with so you can see it now that it is "fall fabulous"! I got some lighted up leaf garland and wrapped it, found a perfect fall welcome sign at our local country peddler show and even have a couple of scarecrows! Ooh La La... I know! I also wrestled down our haybale from last year that I had kept up in the attic! Yes, I kept it!!! I am sure you are thinking "What a crazy hoarder!" But in my defense, it allowed me to buy other fall decorations this year instead of another haybale so I think it worked out quite nicely! :) The only thing missing is pumpkins.... I had originally decided to forgo the pumpkins this year because we have just been so busy but might have to breakdown and do some pumpkin painting this weekend... We will see! :) Here are a few gorgeously decorated porches giving me inspiration for the season: 

I love the metallic pumpkins! Here is the tutorial from Country Living

 This is Miss Kati's beautifully decorated porch! I just had to share! :)

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

~**~cold front... hallelujah*~**~

I am so ready for the cold weather we are going to be getting this Friday! The first major cold front is always pretty monumental and quite exciting! I just want to cuddle up in a big bulky sweater with a cup of hot cocoa already! Hurry up Friday and get here already!!!

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