Monday, October 22, 2012


Hello and a Happy, Happy Monday to everyone!
Did you have any time to yourself this weekend? Any S.S.B???

It’s like when Carrie Bradshaw so eloquently talked about “Secret Single Behavior” or S.S.B. You know, the stuff that you used to have time for but now have to plan for when you have a family or significant other. The stuff you do that no one really knows about, but it just makes you happy. I think Ms. Bradshaw ate saltines while reading Vogue. Well, since I do not get it very often, and live mainly in a "guy's world" which is normally filled with truck talk and other grunts (not complaining though, I love my hubby)! I try and do as many girly things as I possible can when I have some alone time. I try and do my nails, take a bath, watch something extremely girly, or pick up a book and start reading.

Do you participate in your own S.S.B? What is it?

Yesterday, Robby had to do a job so he was gone all morning and so I started thinking that I really needed a new reading project to help with my S.S.B. Looking for something around the house, I realized that I had purchased the book Eat Pray Love last year and never got around to reading it... I started and I am pretty excited about it! Have any of you read it? If so, don't ruin it for me but I think it is going to be a good one.

Saturday, we barbecued and look at the size of these steaks!

Then on Sunday, after Robby got done working, he treated me to Atomic Omelet where I had the most amazing burger of my life! Seriously!?! I know that I said that Wallbanger's was good but I am officially revoking my statement! My taste buds were literally in heaven and I almost shed a tear while eating it because it was so delicious! Here is a picture of the "burger masterpiece"! Please excuse the bite that was already take out of it... I was hungry and it looked just too good! :)

Sunday night, we chose to celebrate our 7 year dating anniversary by having a nice night at home! We grilled Filet Mignon and reheated the loaded mashed potatoes from Saturday's barbeque (which turned out amazing and were a total hit, even the second night :P)! Then we made home-made carmel popcorn and watched a movie!

 It was like the grand finally at the Nash house when this bad boy started heating up!

It was nice, and I couldn't have picked a better way to spend the night with my love! 

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