Friday, October 12, 2012

How about it?

So, I was going through my list of daily reads and ran across a very interesting idea that I think I am going to adopt from A CUP OF JO. It's not necessarily an unheard of  idea but I think a goodin'. The concept is to do various weekly challenges and then see how it affects your life afterwards. 

Joanna got the idea from her friend Chelsea who vowed that she would not complain for a week. Inspired, I decided to do the same.

This will be the first official challenge this week! I am pretty excited about this as I am quite the competitive person (Robby is shaking his head "YES") and I like any kind of challenge. 

So, for the next week I will fight the urge to mention to Robby how sleepy I am or how our neighbors across the street must be the most overly excessive people I have ever met. How they have officially managed to buy every and I mean EVERY Halloween decoration for their front yard. Not to mention, how it kind of clashes with their "Buddy Christ" statue they have out there too (seriously). No, instead of bring that up I will vow to just keep my mouth shut.
The people close to me are probably taking bets on how long I can last. I know this is not going to be easy because let's face it, it is second nature to complain for just about everyone. But Joanna talks about her results in her blog from this experience. Her quote was "When you don't complain about something, you weirdly forget about it two seconds later! It has been surprisingly liberating and has made me feel light and cheery."
Now, who wouldn't be on board after hearing results like that! I am inspired, fired up and excited to see the outcome!
So, since it's more fun to do things as a group. Would you want to join me?
And then let's not stop there! Let's start doing one each week!

How it would work: Each week, I'll issue a single challenge. The following week, we'll regroup and share our experiences! What do you think?!
So, thank you, CUP OF JO for the great idea!

Do you guys want to join in the pact? :)

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