Hope you guys had a good weekend! This weekend was one of those weekends where you feel like did so much but then you feel like you did nothing at all! IT WAS AWESOME and definitely an answered prayer! Thursday we went to a concert with our favorite "couple friends" and had a really great time! We went to see our favorite singer, Aaron Watson so Robby and I did what we normally don't do.... we danced....(Oh, the poor souls around us)! Yes, we made our way through the crowd and got up to the front and just danced! It was quite romantic!
The rest of the weekend we just relaxed!

And here is a picture of the "love fest" that went on all weekend.

This is Larry, he is our baby and he loves to love on his momma! So adorable right?!? We are really blessed with such lovey babies!
We got to spend time with each other and I was able to make cupcakes for everybody at work! Which by the way was a total success! They were definitely a hit and I think it put everybody in a good mood which was quite nice!

Oh, and Mr. Nash was happy too! He claimed 8 of them as payment for having to help me ice all of them! FYI he ate 2 of them back to back as soon as they were done! lol His sweet tooth is quite impressive! haha He definitely made sure to let me know that they were yummy!
This weekend, in all, was a good one! I feel like I came into work this morning refreshed and ready to take on the first week of school! Yup, kiddos are back so it is official! The 2012-2013 school year has begun... eek!
Tonight, we have tickets to the Hooks game which is the local baseball team here and to make it even more exciting, they are in the playoffs! Here is a picture from the last time we went!

The best part is... it's dollar hot dog and soda night! Can you ask for anything better? lol Well, maybe just my dad being able to be here to enjoy it with us... : (
He moved up north about two weeks ago and it has been hard. I miss him and especially when we go to things like this. It kind of became a ritual for all of us to go to the Hooks game together on Monday nights. I know the hubby and I will still have a good time but I know it won't be the same without his goofy comments and being able to "accidently" smack him while swinging the Hooks fan towel around...*sigh
Here is a picture it is kind of old but it has all of "my boys" in it so it's one of my favs!

Anyways, I hope that everybody had a great weekend as well and let's make it a great week! :)
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