Ok, so I have the itch... :::Dun, Dun, Dun::: to get out the tools and build something!
(Husband is running out the door as we speak...) lol
Let's just say this wouldn't be the first piece of furniture that he has had to build because of my "itch"! That poor man had to build our entertainment center which consists of two HUGE media stands and the other one is a cute small book shelf that is now in the spare bedroom. Both of these pieces were because of a Pottery Barn magazine (I am sure that if you are addicted to PB like me you can totally understand!) Anyways, I will have to post pictures because I am so proud of both of them!
Now, back to my "itch"....
First things first, I should tell you that I am probably one of the most indecisive person you will ever and I mean EVER meet. I have been known to walk around a store for about an hour deciding whether I "need" this thing or not. Getting in line and then getting back out too many times I do not wish to share! Yes! Most cashiers in the Corpus area have probably labeled me "the crazy girl".
So, with that said, since we moved into the new house I have been going back and forth on whether to put a console table in the entryway. Surprise, surprise! So much so, that I even went to Home Depot, bought one and then returned it as soon as I got home because I changed my mind... I know! I know! I have problems... But anyways, while surfing the web I can across this picture and it ignited the "need" again!

You see, I have a glass vase like the one above that I spray painted the top rim with a copper line and I love it but have no place to put it now... Such a dilemma!
So, I thought to myself, "Hummm, now wouldn't that be neat on a table in the entryway to put keys and mail in."
Now, what happened next proves that it has to be divine intervention because I found another blog that had a DIY post on how to build a console table! Here is the link and a finished picture:
Adorable right and she said that it only cost her around $40.00! What a steal right! So, without having to beg at all (which is quite surprising... I had my pouty face and persuasive essay all ready...) I got the "Ok" from the tool man hubby! I just love the idea of a place to set things when you first walk in and I can't wait to decorate the table!

Foyer Design by rachaelnash on Polyvore

But anyways, I want to put wallpaper on the back of the shelves. Here are some pictures from around the web that kind of show what I am thinking:

And this doesn't have anything to do with this post but I just ran across it and thought I had to share! Isn't this adorable!!!
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