Saturday, December 15, 2012


How is it possible that there is only one week left until Christmas? With the deadline fast approaching and this weekend being the Nash/Pinto Annual Christmas Party and then with my Dad coming in on Sunday, the hubby and I just had to take yesterday off. Both of us were feeling a little under the weather and really just needed to get caught up on everything Christmas!
I must say, I think we did a pretty good job as we were able to get our Christmas cards sent out and I officially got all of my Christmas shopping done and all of the presents wrapped which is such a huge feat for me so let's just pause for a second so I can pat myself on the back. :)
Needless to say, I’m very much looking forward to some days off and some time celebrating Christmas with family and friends. How about you? Any fun plans for the Holidays? 

Here is a quick look at what I have been up to lately:

Here are a couple of pictures that went on our Christmas card!

Merry Christmas from Larry!

 This is the latest ornament which I made for my beach-lovin' Mother-in-Law. I am so excited to surprise her with it so don't tell her if you see her! ;D

Here is a close up! 


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