Friday, January 18, 2013

To: My Fellow Closet Monsters...

Happy Friday everybody!... We survived another week! Yippee!
This weekend my main goal is to organize my closet, which mind you has gotten out of control! Okay, okay, has been out of control for way too long to admit without being thoroughly embarrassed! : )
To be honest with you, the closet is my vice... I am a complete O.C.D. neat freak when it comes to rest of the house but the closet... well, let's just say that's another story...
I love clothes and have way too many which I tend to try on and change frequently... The issue is, I take off hanger, try on, decide it's a no and then set in our built in shelves in the closet instead of putting back on hanger. Now, that would be fine but it piles up and then by the end of the week it is like an avalanche when you open the closet door... hehe (not exaggerating)
So with that being said, some serious time has got to be used for my closet intervention this weekend! It needs to be re-organized from top to bottom and I have to try and find a better way to store everything... Wish me luck! Yikes!
So, with it being the beginning of the year, and a lot of people's resolutions consisted of getting organized, I was able to find some great tips on closet organization! Some were so good that I thought I have to share! These tips are for the fellow closet monsters like myself...

Have a great and organized weekend!


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