Thursday, January 3, 2013

hello 2013!

Good Morning! My apologies for the non-existent posts during this holiday break. Even though I had nearly two weeks off, it went by too fast but we had such an amazing time with friends and family that I just wanted to take advantage of every minute.
So...2012, I liked you... A LOT! You handed me a lot of curve balls, an enormous amount of blessings, and definitely some new experiences. More than anything - this year I realized the importance of my loved ones. Bottom line, I needed each moment spent with my family and close friends.
We were also blessed to be able to get out a little more than normal while either spending time with each other or visiting family and friends in and out of state. Robby and I celebrated 5 years of marriage this year and are filled with more love and happiness than ever. So, thank you 2012, for allowing me to understand the importance in each of those times and to live them to their fullest.
So, 2013.... The big question... 3 days in.... What is your New Year's resolution(s) and how have you been doing so far?

Every year, I have many things I want to change, work on and take on and this year is no different! Now, as to not overwhelm myself, I try to take on one physical and one emotional resolution to start off with... I figure that it keeps me centered and helps me remember to be beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside.

For my physical resolution, I decided that I am going to start walking with my husband in the evenings again. I know some of you are like "That's it?" and yes, that is it... but it is something special to me. With this cold weather (and the dreaded holiday laziness that inevitably sets in) I have really been slacking and most of all, I miss it! It is the time that me and Robby really get to bond and talk. So with the New Year, I am going to pledge to start walking every night again and maybe even get in a run or yoga session too! why not? ;)

My emotional resolution, (which is the one that I think most people skip over but need desperately) is going to be to aid in the flourishing of others. I think this year is going to be a great year for many and I am excited try to do what I can to help other's make this the best year yet! To be honest with you, I know the feeling of having certain people in your life that are always critical and well, negative and this year I am going to do everything I can to counteract that! Let's let 2013 be for the dreamers and lets help make those dreams come true! Who's with me?  

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