Tuesday was my oldest (by that I mean the number years we have known each other) and best friend Kati's birthday!

And even though we didn't get to spend it together physically because she lives up in Arkansas now, I tried my best to make sure that I let her know how special she is to me!
I called her and sang her Happy Birthday like a total dork and even called her a second time and did a remix version (something I would only do with her). She is like a sister to me and we always make a point to have a weekly phone date where we catch up gab and frankly bitch while sipping on a glass of wine! It's kind of our thing and I love it! We have been through so much together and have so much history! I am just so blessed to have her in my life!
Speaking of birthday's though, Kati's is not the only one this week! Sunday will be one of our best friends, Patrick's birthday! My husband and Pat have been been friends since they were kids and are like two peas in a pod together!

We are super excited for this weekend festivities! Pat and his girlfriend, Brooke have definitly been a blessing to us as and if you have ever tried joining friends in a relationship then you know how hard it is to find great couple friends and I think we hit the jackpot with these two! I am just excited to get to spend time with such good friends and I know that whatever we do, it will be fun!
Below is a picture we took about a month ago of all of us...

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