Thursday, February 21, 2013

7 Must-Have Clever Gadgets

These neat gadgets will make you think "Why didn't I think of that?", "How did I go through life without it?" and "Where can I get one?" I know that is what I was thinking when I ran across them on House Beautiful!  Let me know what you think and which one is your favorite? Happy Techy-Thursday everybody!

1. A Smarter Planter

Put in batteries, fill the water reservoir, and turn it on. This pot automatically dispenses the correct amount of water and nutrients (enough to last a month or two). Click & Grow Smartpot, $60 for starter kit.

2. Old-School Digital Notebook

This Moleskine notebook, with specially designed paper, makes it easy to capture and digitize sketches and notes. Add them to your Evernote library, and they'll also be digitally searchable. Moleskine Evernote Smart Notebook, $25.

 3. Wearable Camera

Feel as if life is passing you by? This tiny clip-on camera captures two images per minute whenever you wear it, geo tagging each picture as it's taken so you can search for — and relive — any moment. Memoto Camera, $280.

4. Power Speaker

Place compatible devices on top to wirelessly charge them. The speaker itself is also wireless, so you can take it anywhere. TDK Wireless Charging Speaker, $400.

5. Shower Tunes

This rechargeable, wireless Bluetooth speaker delivers in-shower entertainment up to 32 feet from the source. After about seven hours of play, just pop the unit out of the showerhead for recharging. Kohler Moxie Showerhead/Wireless Speaker, $200.

6. Interactive Lightbulbs

Create a mood by fine-tuning the light in your home. These smartphone-controlled LED bulbs fit any standard fixture and can produce a range of nearly 16 million hues. Philips Hue Bulbs, $200 (starter pack).

7. Remote-Control Plug

Use Wi-Fi to turn whatever's plugged into it on or off via your smartphone or tablet — even if you're not at home. Belkin WeMo Switch, $50.

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